Discipline Policy

  1. Individual Responsibility

    1. As a member of Rhyl Dolphins Swimming Club, whether a swimmer or adult you have a responsibility to co-operate in promoting good discipline.

    2. Neither misunderstood instructions, unwillingness to comply with instructions, personal prejudice, carelessness, recklessness, ignorance on your part, or on the part of others, relieves you, in the slightest degree, of your responsibility to behave in a safe and socially acceptable manner.

  1. Unacceptable Behaviour

    1. Behaviour becomes “unacceptable” when it is considered “offensive” to the majority. This includes the following:

      1. Theft

      2. Wilful damage to property and/or equipment

      3. Acts of vandalism

      4. Fighting

      5. Abuse of alcohol and/or drugs

      6. Bullying

      7. Offensive language

      8. Aggressive/violent acts

      9. Threatening behaviour

      10. Failure to comply with instructions/directions

      11. Failure to comply with the Club Constitution

      12. Failure to comply with WASA discipline code

      13. All breaches of safety practices

      14. Bringing the Club into disrepute

      15. Bringing the sport of swimming into disrepute

      16. Anti social behaviour

  1. All swimming members are expected to follow the instructions and the training sessions designated by the Chief Coach, Coaches or S.D.O.

  2. All orders of the Chief Coach, Coaches, S.D.O. or his/her nominees must be carried out; otherwise the swimmer may be asked to leave the sessions.

  3. Any breaching of the points listed under ‘Unacceptable Behaviour’ will normally be dealt with in the following manner:

    1. Verbal warning by club coach, teacher, official or responsible adult

    2. Verbal warning by executive committee

    3. Written warning by executive committee

    4. Suspension by executive committee

    5. Exclusion by executive committee

  4. Depending upon the severity of the breach of discipline, the executive committee reserves the right to proceed to any of the stages outlined above.

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Discipline Policy.pdf